What is the issue?
Every boat develops some small leaks at one time or another. The most irritating ones are those that manifest themselves during a passage when they are highly inconvenient to address.Why address this?
At sea, leaks disturb sleep and ruin supplies. Putting an end to these small irritating leaks quickly is a must.How to address this?
A simple and easy quick 'passage fix' is to use something as simple as children's play dough best recognised by the popular brand 'Play-Doh'.
Photo: CC0
As it is a child's toy it comes in awfully bright colours. However, the beauty is that it sticks on wet fibreglass, hardens when left alone and it can be removed easily once in port so that a proper repair may be attended to.
If the situation requires a more substantive solution there is a play dough-type mouldable polymer, called 'Stay Afloat'. This is a simple and versatile material intended to be used as an instant leak plug and sealant to stop or slow water leaks in boats. Used as it is, it requires no mixing, measuring or curing and is easily moulded, and applied by hand into any shape that the hole requires.
For more on holes beneath the waterline see what to do if you are taking on water and potentially sinking
With thanks to:
Lee Gunter, Yacht New WorldStay Afloat Overview
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